Working to promote community access to the creek
We think the creek should provide respite and recreation for all.
One goal set out in the Friends of Little Hunting Creek Articles of Incorporation is “promoting community access to the creek for recreation and respite.” It became clear during the pandemic how much people need the relief gained from time spent in nature, even just sitting on a bench looking out on the creek. Yet, there is very little neighborhood or public access to Little Hunting Creek.
We have begun to invest in improving community access to the creek in nearby neighborhoods.
Our First Effort: Little Hunting Creek Preserve, Stratford Landing
We partnered with the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT) and the Stratford Landing Citizens’ Association to make a two acre wetlands parcel owned by the NVCT more inviting and accessible to nearby residents, by improving and maintaining an informal trail, adding signage, and installing two benches and three wood duck boxes. We celebrated the new improvements at a grand opening. Weekly winter work parties have tackled invasive vines, such as Wintercreeper, English ivy, and Japanese honeysuckle, that threatened trees and blocked views of the creek.
In late 2022, NVCT acquired two additional parcels, to form the Little Hunting Creek Preserve (South).

A scene from our grand opening celebration

Wood Duck box installation
Our Second Effort: Gum Springs
In winter of 2022, members of the Friends of Little Hunting Creek board, the New Gum Springs Civic Association, Nature Forward, and the Fairfax County Park Authority toured possible trail access routes to Little Hunting Creek from Gum Springs and chose an access point within Martin Luther King Park. Supervisor Storck supported allocation of county funds for development of this long-promised amenity. By Spring 2024, the Park Authority has completed most of the necessary studies. After obtaining needed permits, construction of the trail and viewing platform is expected to begin in Spring of 2025.
To monitor progress, see this page.
How else can we improve creek access?
We want to do the same in other neighborhoods as we’ve done in Stratford Landing and Gum Springs.
The criteria for supporting any proposed improvement are:
- The neighborhood supports the proposal, and is willing to be a partner and contribute funds and/or organize volunteers’ time to achieve it.
- The property owner (such as the Park Authority, other county department, the NVCT, or a private owner) is a willing partner in the project.
- The proposal advances two goals:
- Improved access to the creek for recreation and respite. Only improvements with minimal environmental impact will be approved.
- Improved quality of wildlife habitat (for example, the removal of invasive plants, or installation of wood duck boxes or osprey platforms, or other improvements).
We need your help!
Does your neighborhood include an area next to the creek which you and your neighbors would like to improve as wildlife habitat and make more accessible to humans, too?
Help us remove invasive vines that threaten trees in natural areas! Sign up to volunteer with us.