Our Work

Past Cleanups

We’ve seen some trash…

In the 20 plus years we’ve been cleaning up Little Hunting Creek, we have collected thousands of bags of trash, hundreds of tires and shopping carts, and thousands more pounds of bulk trash.

Take a look through some of our most spectacular past cleanups to see what we mean.

Delegate Surovell with bass drum recovered from the creek


Delegate Surovell with bass drum recovered from the creek


Delegate Surovell with bass drum recovered from the creek


What We’re Working On

Here are some of our ongoing initiatives for improving Little Hunting Creek. Click a photo to learn more about what we are doing and how you can help!

Join Us!

Friends of Little Hunting Creek is a grassroots, volunteer-led organization that began as a group of genuinely concerned neighbors living near the creek. We need your help to protect this beautiful place – join us today!

Our vision is a beautiful, healthy creek that supports wildlife living in it and along its shores, and provides recreation and respite to humans that live nearby. We envision a shared sense of community responsibility for the health of the Little Hunting Creek watershed and appreciation for its beauty.

Photo: ©Philip Bogdan